
What is It?

I am a pretty lazy person in a lot of respects. If I can find an excuse to do less, I will. If I can do work up-front to do less later, I will. Randaflick is one of these such things.

I watch a bunch of stuff that Netflix recommends to me, but usually only titles and series I'm familiar with (or that have come highly recommended by many people). I hate making decisions about trivial things, so I will typically spend as much time trying to decide what to watch as I actually watch. Randaflick attempts to solve this by getting the recommended list from Netflix and just picking something for me to watch.

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I made this service for myself, but you're welcome to use it, too. To do so, however, you need to create an account on this site. This is necessary so that I can keep an association between this service and your Netflix account. I do not store any information other than your chosen username and password specific to this service. The only information I store about your Netflix account is your recommended titles, and information linking your account here with your Netflix account. I am too lazy to try to use your information for any other purpose.

Need Help?

If you have issues, you may send an email to devon.odell at gmail.com. Please include "Randaflick" in the subject so I'm sure to see it.